
Wizard's estates is a magical place.... Game Dreamers is the group that owns Wizard Mega Store/Roma Imperiale. Any dreamer that dares to dream high enough and believe that anything is possible will find a place where they can come and visit multiple islands like Wizard Mega Store/Roma Imperiale and Wizard Farmer In the Dell, and our new Catamyn/MyThology. Wizard's Dream offers free translation and training on various construction type programs and translation between English and Italian, Wizard Mega Store/Roma Imperiale also offers residential rental skyboxes with full ocean provided at very reasonalble prices. Conatct the owners, Catalina McCaw(english/Italian) or Mynue Zarco(Italian) for details
on rentals.

kitty zeddmore--> monday nov 8 at 11:00am slt


Kitty Zeddmore ha 29 anni, viene dal Kansas, è diplomata in Arte. E' una creativa a 360 gradi, in SL crea anche abiti, acconciature e un po' di tutto. Ma il suo sogno rimaneva quello di essere una cantante, e SL le ha dato l'opportunità di realizzarlo.
Esegue vari generi musicali , dal rock, alle canzoni d'amore classiche a folk.
Reinterpreta in modo personale covers di Alanis Morissette, Sarah McLachlan, Celine Deon, D.H.T., Bette Midler, The Cranberries, Sheryl Crow, e molti altri. 
Anteprima su:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl6rJMWY0z8

 The voice of Kitty Zeddmore. This is what she says about herself:
"I've been singing since I was three years old and being a singer has always been a dream of mine.  I am so fortunate to have SL to be able to have the opportunity for my dream to come true.
The kind of music I perform varies from rock, to classic love songs, to folk.  I usually sing songs from Alanis, Sarah McLachlan, Celine Deon, D.H.T., Bette Midler, The Cranberries, Sheryl Crow, and many more".

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