
Wizard's estates is a magical place.... Game Dreamers is the group that owns Wizard Mega Store/Roma Imperiale. Any dreamer that dares to dream high enough and believe that anything is possible will find a place where they can come and visit multiple islands like Wizard Mega Store/Roma Imperiale and Wizard Farmer In the Dell, and our new Catamyn/MyThology. Wizard's Dream offers free translation and training on various construction type programs and translation between English and Italian, Wizard Mega Store/Roma Imperiale also offers residential rental skyboxes with full ocean provided at very reasonalble prices. Conatct the owners, Catalina McCaw(english/Italian) or Mynue Zarco(Italian) for details
on rentals.

eio tuquiri-->feb 14th @4:00 pm slt

Eio's music is raw as well as polished, heartfelt, dark and intense, yet calming. She uses rhythm, melody, mood and lyrics in beautiful and intriguing ways creating a deep full sound. Her style is unique. Vocalist, composer, acoustic guitarist and keyboard player, she combines elements of blues, folk and classical with an energy that ebbs and flows with her mood and the feel of the crowd.

Description of Style - QUOTES from Fans;
“Blues-roots, progressive, innovative, original”
Rick (original musician)
“Eerily beautiful songs that evoke a depth of meaning...” Marv (musician/producer)
“Intense, thought provoking, beautiful, emotional”
Cheryl (fan)
“Dreamy piano, sexy voice, huge talent!”
Maria (fan)
“Her music takes me to places inside myself I didn't know existed.”
Winter (RL/SL visual artist)
“You play guitar like a guy.”
Guy guitarists (I always appreciate this backhanded compliment.)

A few words from Eio -
Cyberspace is largely uncharted territory for live performers, and I’ve always found it stimulating to create on the edge of something new. My entrance into Second Life corresponds with a major shift in my personal life and in my music. These two things, the new venue and my fresh perspective, have lead me to decide not to list the real life accomplishments often found in bios. My story starts with Eio. Judge my music by what I do here in Second Life.
Rezday – 09/20/2007

Some Artist's Covered (when I do cover songs ;-)
Joni Mitchell, Bryan Ferry, B.B King, Sheryl Crow, Beatles, John Prine, Bill Withers, and some traditional songs.

Bookings and Info - IM me or send Notecard to be sure.
Check my Profile Picks for upcoming live shows.
Listen to Eio Original Music online - myspace.com/eiotuqiri
Second Life Group - Eio Music

Thanks for your interest!
Peace~ Eio

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