
Wizard's estates is a magical place.... Game Dreamers is the group that owns Wizard Mega Store/Roma Imperiale. Any dreamer that dares to dream high enough and believe that anything is possible will find a place where they can come and visit multiple islands like Wizard Mega Store/Roma Imperiale and Wizard Farmer In the Dell, and our new Catamyn/MyThology. Wizard's Dream offers free translation and training on various construction type programs and translation between English and Italian, Wizard Mega Store/Roma Imperiale also offers residential rental skyboxes with full ocean provided at very reasonalble prices. Conatct the owners, Catalina McCaw(english/Italian) or Mynue Zarco(Italian) for details
on rentals.

kitty zeddmore--> monday nov 8 at 11:00am slt


Kitty Zeddmore ha 29 anni, viene dal Kansas, è diplomata in Arte. E' una creativa a 360 gradi, in SL crea anche abiti, acconciature e un po' di tutto. Ma il suo sogno rimaneva quello di essere una cantante, e SL le ha dato l'opportunità di realizzarlo.
Esegue vari generi musicali , dal rock, alle canzoni d'amore classiche a folk.
Reinterpreta in modo personale covers di Alanis Morissette, Sarah McLachlan, Celine Deon, D.H.T., Bette Midler, The Cranberries, Sheryl Crow, e molti altri. 
Anteprima su:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl6rJMWY0z8

 The voice of Kitty Zeddmore. This is what she says about herself:
"I've been singing since I was three years old and being a singer has always been a dream of mine.  I am so fortunate to have SL to be able to have the opportunity for my dream to come true.
The kind of music I perform varies from rock, to classic love songs, to folk.  I usually sing songs from Alanis, Sarah McLachlan, Celine Deon, D.H.T., Bette Midler, The Cranberries, Sheryl Crow, and many more".

Lady Hightower

 Oct 9, 2010  7am to 10pm SLT at Gwampa's Dance Kamp  Biggest Musical Event in one   day ever in SL.   4 sims set up in one day only for this event by Lindens. A memorial to a grand lady in the art of music.

Lady Hightower was an incredible and  unique individual . She was also an integral part of an amazing community.  You, we.. are that community, and together we help to define our environment and our lives here. In coming together at times like this ,we support each other. We validate the worth of what we do to shape and enrich the culture of the whole.

Thank you for including her. Thank you for including me. I am humbled by your presence and by your tribute to one of our own.

Let us celebrate life with music and noise and dance. Let us "rumble" to remember Lady Hightower. Thank you all so very much on her behalf and in her memory. Let us  celebrate as I  offer these passages from the bible in prayer:

"There was a rumble and lightning and the sounds of the trumpet grew. Sing praise in the assembly of people.Community! Let us make music  with tambourines and lyres....dance!  Raise those who are oppressed with sadness and lift them up. Make music,  sing for joy, and let the rumble be heard. "

I offer this tribute with you in honor of lady hightower.  Amen.

Wizard Mega Store's New Space Station with store rental

Wizard Mega Store now brings a new feel to her heavens. In construction now, and soon to be opened is the new Space station with store rentals available. The space station is complete with teleports and incredible atmospheric conditions that light up the heaven around the station. On the sim, the Roma Imperiale also has more store front space and soon to come will be a whole new atlantis type underwater world to navigate in submarines. A new ATM for easy money exchange is soon to be added to Roma Imperiale.
Wizard Mega Store presents the incredible Space Art Show by Lion Igaly with 4 most creative artists running the last 15 days of June. The show is held in the heavens with the innovative build of a futuristic space station. Artists are: Giallo India, Gleman Jun, Shellina Winkler. and Solkide Auer You will find the landmark for Roma Imperiale Wizard Mega Store in the notice attached. See you there!

Wizard Mega Store presenta l'incredibile Space Art Show di Lion Igaly con 4 artisti più creativi a 1:30 pm SLT il Martedì 2010/06/15. La mostra si svolge nei cieli con la costruzione innovativa di una stazione spaziale futuristica. Gli artisti sono: India Giallo, Gleman Jun, Shellina Winkler. e Solkide Auer si trova il punto di riferimento per la Roma Imperiale Wizard Mega Store nel bando allegato. Ci vediamo lì!



Elin Egoyan aka Maripel aka Marijke Pel

Elin lives in The Netherlands with husband, 2 sons and 3 cats.

My artistic life started about 20 years ago with a pencil, soft pastel crayon and my fingers as tools. Finally after a long time ignoring my desire to draw (teenagers are busy with far more ‘important’ things of course:)) I gave in and,… was lost! I really got the hang of it!

In pastel crayon I found soon satisfaction in making ethnical portraits. The challenge to make them almost photographic was high, and came out as I liked it. As example I took photo’s that triggered me. A look or expression in the faces or simply how someone sat or did was enough. I took what I found important and let out what was not essential. If you are interested to see these pastels you will find some of them in ZRM Gallery. (see my picks)

But the smell of oil paint was calling and it did not take very long to change my direction. First oil paintings, but because of my impatience ( it takes sooooo long before oil paint is dry) I started soon after that with acryl paint.

Looking back I see that my subjects often expresses things of (my) life. Things were I am thinking about, a feeling or emotion. I try to tell that in bright and harmonious colours and painting with my intuition and inner emotion as guide, I let myself float with the motions and colours. Normaly starting a painting and not knowing were it ends.

When I came to Second Life, one of my main goals was to have my own gallery and show what I made in RL. In those 3 years I found so many satisfaction in being creative in more ways SL offers. The landscaping, the building,… the drive to make creations better and better.

Very careful I stepped recently on the artistic SL-road and make digital art and vases. And so my SLigital art and RLainting art and life’s meet and unite to something were I am very happy about.

My gallery you find here

More you find here

When I was invited to particpate the exhibition Kabloom, I felt this was a challenge to make digital art with a theme as a guideline. Luckely the subject was a good choise. Every artist can find something in it.
I took the Egyptian symbol KA, what stands for life force. This force is something every living souls will reach at (reaching hands) Also you will find the Ankh symbol in this artwork, what has more or less the same meaning as the KA. The color choise just happend intuitive. Strange because normally I am more atracted to warm colors like red orange and yellow. Clear will be that the turning vortex in the middle has to draw the life force to one point preparing you to a bliss experience.

Take a look at the Kabloom exhibition


Perspectives is a contest organized by Figbash Snook. He asked several artists to make an artpiece based on a picture he send them. The picture did not tell me so much. So it was hard to get something done what tells a story or expres a feeling.

Welcome to Perspectives 2010, and thanks again for taking the time to be a part of this amazing project. This note contains your reference photo, along with all the information you will need to make your submission


*** Submission Rules ***
You are free to do whatever you like with the image. Any and all software and manipulations allowed, either RL or inworld. You can also add as much additional content as you feel necessary, from any source that is not a violation of copyright regulations. The only rule is that you must preserve at least one visual element from the original reference photo.

*** About the Photo ***
Since I am a portrait artist, the reference photo is naturally of a person, but do feel free to use other elements besides the main subject if it suits your own style better. I also ignored the first rule of dynamic composition and centered the subject to give you the freedom to move your frame of reference in any direction you choose.

*** Size ***
As a guideline, please size your submission no greater than 5x5x5. If you need to work outside these boundaries for the piece to work, contact me and we can try to work something out.

*** Deadline ***
Please send me your submission on or before 16 March.

*** Naming Standard ***

***Permissions ***
Please send your work mod/copy/no-trans.

Here is the reference photo for the project

Please name your work: "Perspectives 2010 - "
In the decription field please put "Artwork by "

torben asp @ illusions march 27th @3:30 pm slt

oin us for original works by a master of the synthesizer combined with multimedia particle effects.

Torben Asp composes and performs electronic music of an ambient/new age style with input from other styles like classic music and artists like Jean Michel Jarre...To that you add a original and synthesizer magic and you are well underway into the recreative universe of Torben Asp.

Every tune has its own story to take you on a mood-altering journey.

Sometimes Torben employs fantastic particleshows to accompany his compositions and add a visual element to his creative palette.

This is not only a Concert! - its an Experience!

Behringer Keyboard UMX 61, Propellerhead Reason , Propellerhead Record and lots of Patience.

Formed in 1998 which sometimes shows in the sound....

For more info please visit:


Roberto Tardito-->monday march 21st @11:00 am slt

Roberto Tardito nasce a Ivrea il 17 marzo del 1984.
Dall’età di sei anni inizia a studiare pianoforte, e negli anni successivi perfeziona la tecnica chitarristica, già impostata da autodidatta.
L'ascolto appassionato di ogni genere di musica, in questi anni di formazione, aiuta a far si che Roberto inizi a comporre musiche per conto proprio, talvolta rimodellando frammenti di ogni tradizione europea.
Dall'altro lato coltiva l'amore per la letteratura e la poesia. Nascono così le prime canzoni.
Non solo questo, però. Il 2003 è dedicato alla composizione delle musiche per lo spettacolo teatrale "Simone Veil".
Tra il 2004 e il 2005 inizia un'intensa attività concertistica, culminata in un concerto alla manifestazione Tavagnasco Rock, in una serata comune con Mauro Pagani e Morgan.
Nel 2006 si dedica alla realizzazione del progetto discografico "CONTROVENTO" nel quale hanno suonato alcuni dei più famosi artisti italiani quali Francesco Guccini, Ivano Fossati, Angelo Branduardi, Fabrizio De Andrè, Niccolò Fabi, Samuele Bersani. .
Nel 2007 e 2008 presenta l'album in 57 concerti in SL.
Nel 2009 ha pubblicato il "Otrebor" , lanciato ufficialmente in Second Life, cosa che si appresta a fare anche per il suo ultimo cd "Se io fossi Dylan", nella doppia versione italiana ed inglese.

Roberto started making music in 1998. In 2003 he wrote the music for the show "Simone Weil". After that, in 2004-2005 he presented his songs in several live shows, included a performance during Tavagnasco Rock Festival. In that night he performed on the same stage as Mauro Pagani and Morgan. During 2006 he worked to a discographical project, CONTROVENTO, released in July 2007In this album some famous Italian artists played with him. People like: Francesco Guccini, Ivano Fossati, Angelo Branduardi, Fabrizio De André, Niccolò Fabi, Samuele Bersani.
In 2008 he released his last cd "OTREBOR".He's currently releasing his last cd "Se io fossi Dylan".
